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St Peters Church, London

Reservar un hotel cerca de St Peters Church

St Peters Church Dirección

St Peters Church Address

Kennington Lane
SE11 5HY

Map of St Peters Church, London

London Transport to St Peters Church
Nearest Tube: Vauxhall
Tube Lines: Victoria Line

Hotels and BnBs near St Peters Church London

Situated in the thriving area of Vauxhall, hotels near St Peters Church offer visitors plenty to do. The surrounding area, easily accessible on foot, offers attractions such as The Oval cricket ground, the White Bear theatre and the New Covent Garden Market. At, we have a huge variety of hotels in the Kennington and Battersea areas, so search now or scroll down to book one of our cheap bed and breakfasts near St Peters Church. Our deals are updated regularly, so make sure you make the most of the offers!

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Hoteles más demandados cerca de St Peters Church Última actualización: 05 feb 21
Reserva para quedarte cerca de St Peters Church desde tan solo €20,00 por persona

Hoteles cerca de St Peters Church

Última actualización: 05 feb 21
Nombre del Hotel Estrellas Distancia Votos Price por persona
por Noche
Comfort Inn London Vauxhall 3 Hotel 0,8 0,8 Kilómetros
Victoria Inn London 3 B&B 2,0 2,0 Kilómetros
Park Hotel London Victoria 2 Alojamiento 2,2 2,2 Kilómetros
Lidos Hotel London 3 Hotel 2,2 2,2 Kilómetros
Romanos Hotel London 2 Hotel 2,2 2,2 Kilómetros
Comfort Inn London - Westminster 2 Hotel 2,2 2,2 Kilómetros
¡Pulse aquí para ver la lista completa con más de 329 alojamientos en Londres! Ofertas de búsqueda: Ahorra hasta el 50% para hoteles cerca de St Peters Church
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