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Battersea Power Station, London

Book a hotel near Battersea Power Station

Battersea Power Station

Battersea Power Station: Landmark of Industrial Revolution!

The UK has a proud heritage of making sure that interesting buildings from antiquity don’t go the way of the dodo, however Battersea Power Station really has split opinion. For some, it is an ugly relic symbolising unbridled capitalism, for others it is a beautiful building with untellable potential. Built in the 1930s, the power station was providing electricity to London until 1983 and still holds the title as the largest brick building in Europe. For a long time, its use was being debated, with many investors lining up and interested. Now, much of it is being developed into high-end property, though there will still be much space allocated to other endeavours.

Hotels and BnBs near Battersea Power Station

There are a great many hotels near Battersea Power Station, and they give guests great on foot access to some of London’s lesser-known but nonetheless fantastic attractions. Visitors can catch a concert, play or exhibition at the Battersea Arts Centre, see a bit of gypsy jazz at Le Quecumbar, gaze at the impressive power station itself or just stroll around Battersea Park. For great deals on bed and breakfasts near Battersea Power Station, be sure to check out what we have on offer at We’ve the very best deals around, so search now or just scroll down!

Battersea Power Station address

188 Kirtling Street
Battersea Power Station telephone number: 0845 262 2625

Map of Battersea Power Station, London

London Transport to Battersea Power Station
Nearest Tube: Pimlico
Tube Lines: Victoria Line

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Best selling B&Bs near Battersea Power Station, best value hotels near Battersea Power Station Last updated: 23 Apr 24
Book to stay near Battersea Power Station from only £17.50 per person

More BnBs near Battersea Power Station and cheap hotels near Battersea Power Station

Last updated: 23 Apr 24
Hotel Name Star Rating Distance customer rating Price per person
per night
Vegas Hotel London 3 B&B 0.3 0.3 Miles
Georgian & Bower House Hotel 3 Hotel 0.3 0.3 Miles
The 29 London (fka Airways Hotel) 3 B&B 0.3 0.3 Miles
Portico Hotel (formerly Hanover) 3 B&B 0.3 0.3 Miles
Blair Victoria Hotel 1 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Chester Hotel Victoria 2 Accommodation 0.4 0.4 Miles
Lidos Hotel 3 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Ivy House Hotel 1 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Holly House Hotel London 2 B&B 0.4 0.4 Miles
Tudor Inn Hotel 3 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Colliers Hotel 2 B&B 0.4 0.4 Miles
St Georges Inn Victoria 3 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Park Hotel London 2 Accommodation 0.4 0.4 Miles
Best Western Buckingham Palace Rd 3 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Dover Hotel London 3 B&B 0.4 0.4 Miles
Victor Hotel London Victoria 3 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Comfort Inn London - Westminster 2 Hotel 0.4 0.4 Miles
Click here for full list of over 329 London accommodations! Search Offers: Save up to 50% for hotels near Battersea Power Station
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